Colonial Life

Today was a rough for me as a cooper.I was making 15 barrels for the people and Bobby the fur trader stopped me from making the barrels.I said” what do you need”?Bobby said ”Lets switch jobs”.No I replied .”Why not”Bobby said.Because I like my job.”So do I”said Bobby but ,”I still wont to switch jobs.”No!Not today.”Okay okay okay” said Bobby.After Bobby left from our argument I said ”Oh no”I still need to make the barrels for the people.It was 10 O-Clock till I got done making the barrels. I need to go to sleep.So I did and, I hardly got any sleep what so ever that night  because of the animals outside .There were Dogs,Tigers,Elephants,and even Emus.The Dogs were the worst.All they did was bark and bark and bark and bark all night long.

9/11 Reflections

9/11 was a sad day in the USA.It was when 4 planes got hyjacked and the planes all crash.2 hit the tallest building in New York.The twin towers.The passengers in the first and second plane had know idea what was going on.So that is how to 2 planes crashed into the twin towes to knock the towers down.The  3 plane crashed in the Pentagon.4 plane the plane got hyjacked but the passengers came to save the day.the passengers crash the plane in Pennsulvina so the plane would not hit hit the Washington Monument to kill loads and loads of people.

Jamestown or Plymouth

I would want to be in the Jamestown group because, they learned how to farm from near native americans.They were all brave and would travel millions of miles to make a new life in the new world.1 concern is that Jamestown suffered in the first few years.Because of that they lost a lot of settlers.That is why I want to be in the Jamestown group.