I learned that battle uniforms came in different colors and styles for soldiers and commanders.Plus, I learned that the Treaty Of Paris was signed by multiple people.What I liked about the projects is that I got to learn about new things I did not know about and I got to see other peoples projects too. This project was by far the best project we’ve done from Mrs. McFall. I loved this project.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
American Revolution:Generals
Richard Montgomery
He started out as a British soldier but later got awarded to be a general during the American Revolution.He was mostly famous for leading the failed attack on Canada in 1775.When the American Revolution broke out,Richard took up the patriot cause,and was elected to the New York provincial congress in May 1775.Later in June he was told to be a brigadier general because the other general Phillip Schuyler got to ill to be a general any longer to fight against Canada due to his illness.During that war he captured fort ST.Johns and then Montreal in November of 1775.Then heading straight to Quebec city, then joined another force under the command of Benedict Arnold.But sadly during the battle in December 31st he was killed.The British found his body and gave it an honorable burial.His body was moved to New York in 1818.
William Howe
William Howe was first a British army officer who rose to become a Commander in Chief of British forces during the American Revolutionary War.Howe had three brothers but he was the only one who liked distinguished military careers.Having joined the army in 1746,Howe saw extensive service in the war of the Austrian Succession and Seven Years’ war.He became known for his role in the capture of Quebec in 1759 when British force to capture the cliffs at Ansu-Au-Foulon,allowing James Wolfe to land his army and engage the French in the battle of Plains of Abraham. He also participated in the campaigns to take Louisbourg.He also lead the British to a costly victory in the battle of Bunker Hill.
Photo Credit:etc.usf.edu. Photo Credit:en.wikipedia.org
Finding Martin Luther King Jr
American Flag
I think Betsy Ross did it because the others could not sew and line up the materials in order to sew the Flag.Plus,Betsy had already sewed some others things too. Betsy had good sewing skills.Betsy would have been the best choice to make the flag.
Patriot-Thomas Sumter
He came to be known as the Timberlake Expedition.
He did not die in any wars.
He had fierce fighting skills.
Became a lieutenaut.
Thomas Sumter
Fought in wars.
Soldier in colony of Virginia.
He was known as the Carolina Gamecock.
British soldiers burnt down his house during the revolution.
Photo credit:www.amazon.com