Supreme Pig (Cris P. Bacon)


Y= 2 + (1/1)

Y= 2 + (0.5/0.5)

Y=  1+ (1/1)

Y= 1 + (-1/-1)

Y= 1 + ( -1/-1)

Y= -1 + ( -1+-1)

Y=  9 + ( 1/1)

Y= 1 + ( 1/1)

Y= 0 + ( 1/1)

Y= -4 + ( 1/1)

X= -7

Y= 9

X= -12

Y= -6

Y= 5


X= -5

Y= 0

X= -3

X= 5

Y= 3

X= 10


X= -1

Y= -1

X= 6


Connect The Dots:

Start at 8.5 then to 8 then to 7 then to 6.5 then to 6= S

Start at 8.75 then to 6.25 then to 7 then to 7.5= U

Start at 6 then to 7.75 then to 8 then to 7.5 then to 7 to make the circle = P

Start at 8 then to 6.5 then to 7 then to 6.25 then to 7.75 to make the circle= R

Start at 8 then to 6 then to 7.5 then to 8 then to 9 = E

Start at 6 then to 7.5 then to 6 then to 7.5 then to 6 = M

Start at 8.75 then to 6 then to 7.25 then to 7 then to 7.75 = E

Turf Takeover

Invasive species are going to take over the world.Do you want that to happen? Then do something about it!Invasive Species are spreading rapidly.Herbicide and Community work are two solutions that will ensure aquatic plants to have a positive influence in East Texas ecosystems.
Invasive Species is a plant,fungus,or animal species that is not native to a specific area location and could spread rapidly to damage the environment.Invasive species are taking over lakes and ponds all around Texas.Many fish are dying due to that cause. There are solutions to kill invasive species.But it’s not working.They are fining people for not cleaning,draining,and drying their boats. But all the invasive species are in the water.They are cutting the plants,but that’s just making more colonies of it. That’s not working either.What would work? Oh I know!
Herbicide is a solution that helps stop invasive species.The more herbicide we use, the less invasive species there are.It can destroy the main problems like giant salvinia and zebra mussels rapidly.We can’t give up and quit, we have to end this.If we use our herbicide we can demolish invasive species. So in case you want invasive species to take over? Then do something about it.
Invasive species can be stopped by using Community work.If we start to scoop out invasive species out of lakes,and ponds,we are saving fish and our waters.A group of people that clean’s our water once a month can be effective. We just need to work hard to get invasive species dead.I recommend you helping,or fishing will be gone.So be a savage and help our waters
Solutions to help our ecosystems is by using Herbicide and Community Work.Now that our solutions are working, Invasive species should be gone in no time!

A Innovative Story

For a start,Malala made her voice her because, she spoke out against the Taliban to have girl’s rights. Obviously,she didn’t care what would happen to her,she just wanted women rights.’’We are afraid of noone,and we will continue our education.’’Despite her speaking out,she knows that the Taliban is gunning after her.’’Around the time of my tenth birthday,the Pakistani army led a siege of a women’s madrasa in Islamabad,our nation’s capital.The Pakistani army is mean and vicious,when in fact Malala won’t considered being compromised.Malala made her voice her because,she demanded girl’s rights by speaking out.


Earth Day Acrostic Poem

E nvironment.

A mericans had too many trash.

R eeking smells from piles of dirt and moldy food.

T rees needed to get planted quickly.

H ad Americans thought of Earth Day more sooner America would be even more cleaner.

D ay after day trash was just chunked outside.

A mericans finally came with a law called Earth Day.

Y ear after year Americans helped clean the

Child Labor Blog Post

Poor children starting from 5 worked in the texile mills. This job was dangerous and you could easily lose a hand or finger.Every week he or she would get a range of 2-9 dollars a week.1 reason why children did work in there was to get money to take care of there family or help anyone sick in there family. It was hard work.There were jobs for boys in the mines also.That was dangerous too. You could easily breathe in the coal pollution and cough it out and children would get sick very easily.www.victorianchildren.orgVictorian-Child-Labor