Literary Response

To start with.Here are some reasons I liked Sharon Draper’s writing style from the book,’’Out Of My Mind’’.Draper uses figurative language.’’Cooties!’’I’m surrounded by thousands of words.Maybe Millions.For one thing.’’She used figurative language like a boss.Obviously she uses a lot of imagery.”And my balance is like zip———-Humpty Dumpty had more control than I do.’’”When people look at me,I guess they see a girl with short,dark,curly hair strapped into a pink wheelchair’’.’’They see a girl with dark brown eyes that are full of curiosity’’.’’The whump and woosh of the furnace coming alive every morning’’.In fact,she used imagery like any other author.She made it in Melody’s point of view.’’I have never spoken one word.I am almost 11 years old’’.’’Mom bringing me home from the hospital-her face showing smiles’’.’’I wear tiny gold earrings’’.Not to mention.She has been trying to express her feeling her entire life!Due to the fact.Those are some reasons I like Sharon Draper’s writing style in the book, ‘’Out Of My Mind.’’

Sharon Draper’s Writing

Here are some reasons I like Sharon Draper’s writing.
She put it in Melody’s point of view.”I can’t talk or walk.I can’t feed myself or take myself to the bathroom. Big bummer.My arms and hands are pretty stiff,but I can mash the buttons on the TV remote and move my wheelchair with the help of knobs that I can grab on the wheels.””I can visualize what Melody’s looks like.”I guess they see a girl with short dark,curly hair strapped in a pink wheel chair.”The author is funny.”I don’t know how he manages to control them at work,or even if he does but when he’d get home he would let them loose.They’d start as he walked up the stairs. Step fart,Step fart, Step fart.”

Earth Day Acrostic Poem

E nvironment.

A mericans had too many trash.

R eeking smells from piles of dirt and moldy food.

T rees needed to get planted quickly.

H ad Americans thought of Earth Day more sooner America would be even more cleaner.

D ay after day trash was just chunked outside.

A mericans finally came with a law called Earth Day.

Y ear after year Americans helped clean the

Child Labor Blog Post

Poor children starting from 5 worked in the texile mills. This job was dangerous and you could easily lose a hand or finger.Every week he or she would get a range of 2-9 dollars a week.1 reason why children did work in there was to get money to take care of there family or help anyone sick in there family. It was hard work.There were jobs for boys in the mines also.That was dangerous too. You could easily breathe in the coal pollution and cough it out and children would get sick very easily.www.victorianchildren.orgVictorian-Child-Labor

Vice President-In Executive Branch

A vice president is what I would want to be because it is the 2nd highest postition in the Executive Branch, right after the president. The vice president is also president of the United States Senate.When vice president you only vote if there is a tie for senate. You can only serve four year term.The vice president is the first person in the presidential line of succession, and would normally ascend to presidency upon death, resignation, or removal of the president. That’s why I want to be a vice president.vice                     For Example:Joe Biden was a vice president.